Tiny Music... Songs from the Vatican Gift Shop is the third album by American rock band Stone Temple Pilots, released on March 26, 1996 on Atlantic Records.
Tiny Music displays a drastic change in the band's sound, featuring music strongly influenced by 60s rock and bands such as The Beatles. After a brief hiatus in 1995, STP regrouped to record
Tiny Music, living and recording the album together in a mansion in Santa Barbara, California. The album had three singles reach #1 on the Mainstream Rock Tracks chart, including 'Big Bang Baby,' 'Lady Picture Show,' and 'Trippin' on a Hole in a Paper Heart.' ... In 1995, lead singer Scott Weiland was caught and convicted of buying crack cocaine. He was sentenced to one year's probation. Issues with drug use did not clear up after his sentence, and STP was forced to cancel most of their 1996-1997 tour for
Tiny Music. Because of the tour cancellation,
Tiny Music did not receive as much exposure as initially intended" (
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