"A lot of turmoil, but the Rapture were always writing. ... 'I just went in one day [and said], "Look, I'm really sorry. Falling out over money is just retarded,"' [Rapture singer-guitarist Luke] Jenner says. After a long, healing chat, [DFA Records manager Jonathan] Galkin's cards were on the table. All of Jenner's were, too, except one: 'Oh, by the way, we have a new album.' '
No big deal,' laughs Galkin. 'He wouldn't play any music.' Soon after, Jenner, multi-instrumentalist Gabriel Andruzzi, and drummer Vito Roccoforte returned and played Galkin the tracks they'd put together with Philippe Zdar of Cassius, who'd produced the last Phoenix album. Galkin was apprehensive at first. ... He needn't have worried. DFA signed the Rapture again. The new album is called
In the Grace of Your Love. It's a homecoming, appropriate for an album whose themes are healing, rebirth, forgiveness, and eternal returns. Or as Andruzzi puts it, simply, 'It's our soul record'" (Michaelangelo Matos, "
The Rapture Come Home,"
Village Voice, 9/21-27/11).
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