"[Guitarist Mick] Barr is showing copious love to the scene he grew up in. ... Rick Omonte — the impresario behind, among other things, the once-great 'Sundazed at BAR' concerts — is publishing selections from Barr's music and visual art in the next
Ephemeroptera Quarterly, a multimedia zine/compilation record, and Carlos Wells' equally discriminating Safety Meeting Records is putting out
Coiled Malescence, Derby-born Barr's first vinyl LP to be released under his own name. If that name is unfamiliar to you, you might not have heard of his wild array of past and present projects, either, ranging from Ocrilim (Barr solo), to guitar/drum duos Orthrelm (with Josh Blair) and Crom-Tech (with Malcolm McDuffie), to yet more collaborative efforts like Krallice, the quartet that every blogger seems to be calling a 'black metal supergroup,' and which released one of the most acclaimed metal records of 2011" (Daniel Stephen Johnson, "
How Mick Barr Became an Unlikely Guitar God (and Composer!),"
New Haven Advocate, 8/18/11, p. 12).
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