"David Weiss has drawn sustenance from ... the postbop vanguard. ... Point of Departure consists of Mr. Weiss and the industrious tenor saxophonist J.D. Allen, along with a flexible young rhythm section: Nir Felder on guitar, Matt Clohesy on bass and Jamire Williams on drums. The band functions at the higher levels of postbop slipperiness, staying away from too-obvious material: two of the five pieces on 'Snuck Out' are [Charles] Moore’s, from the unjustly obscure Kenny Cox album 'Multidirection,' released on Blue Note in 1969. The band — in particular, the rhythm section — addresses this music with an air of feverish discovery, and only the most permissive sort of reverence. 'Gravity Point,' by Mr. Moore, spins out from a tightly dissonant horn line into swirling improvisation; 'Paraphernalia,' by Wayne Shorter, stretches even further. Mr. Felder leads the best of these digressions, and like his teammates he sounds thrillingly unrestricted" (Nate Chinen, "
New CDs by David Weiss and Lloyd,"
New York Times, 7/12/11).
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