"[I]t’s a collection of breezy songs laced with elements of pop, boogie-woogie, torch songs and a hint of a country shuffle on 'In Every Dream,' adapted from, of all things, Tchaikovsky’s 'Piano Concerto No. 1 in B-Flat Minor.' Adams immediately establishes a link to NRBQ's past on the jaunty opener 'Boozoo and Leona,' a follow-up of sorts to the song 'Boozoo, That’s Who!' from the band’s 1989 album 'Wild Weekend.' Boozoo was the nickname of zydeco pioneer Wilson Anthony Chavis, and the song rolls easily along on a zydeco-flavored piano vamp while Adams sings in an affable, slightly roughened voice. Bluesy guitar with a warm, fat tone drives 'I’m Satisfied,' Ligon yearns for a non-human simplicity on 'The Animal Life' and the group gets a little goofy on the throwback rock ’n’ roller 'Sweet and Petite,' a song of a piece with the Trashmen’s 1963 hit 'Surfin’ Bird'" (Eric R. Danton, "
CD Review,"
Hartford Courant, 6/20/11).
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