"WolfgangVoigt'sGASmusic project, an intoxicatinglygloomywork of sound art basedonhighly compressedclassical sound sources, inspiredaworldwideaudience in the 90sfar beyondthe electronic andtechno scene. ...This book-WOLFGANGVOIGT-GAS-showsto alarger extent, for the first time, the pictorialside of theGASproject....For theaccompanying CDVoigthasdug deepinto thetreasure chestandbroughtto light somerare piecesfrom the veryearlydays(andnights). These are, for the most part, previously unpublished piecesthatonly partly foreshadowthe latersound of GAS. Four of thefive pieceshave never beenplayed before anywhere" (from German text on Wolfgang Voigt's website). View catalog record here!
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