"The quandary in which Teddy Thompson, one of the most gifted singer-songwriters of his generation, finds himself is symptomatic of the confusion and uncertainty that pervade the crumbling record industry. With his abundant talent and commercial potential Mr. Thompson, the son of the British folk-rock aristocrats Richard and Linda Thompson, would seem to have everything. His golden voice suggests an impassioned fusion of Roy Orbison and Jesse Winchester. His pop-country-rock songs have striding melodies that stick in your mind. His autobiographical lyrics about the ups and downs of relationships are heartfelt and savvy, complete with self-lacerating candor and ferocious wit. With his strawberry-blond hair, intense hazel-green eyes and slender figure, he exudes the glamour of a sullen Romantic poet. But Mr. Thompson ... has enjoyed only marginal success in the United States. ..." (Stephen Holden, "
The Artistry Is Apparent, So Where's the Audience?,")
New York Times, 2/6/11).
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