"The score Cage created for Fontana Mix consists of 20 sheets, ten transparencies inscribed with points (or dots), a single transparency bearing a straight line and ten plain white sheets with squiggly lines. By means of an included graph and a straight line, the performer uses the sheets in combination as a 'tool' to assemble a realization of Fontana Mix. In executing the tape, Cage divided his sound sources into six classes; city sounds, country sounds, electronic sounds, manually produced (meaning 'instrumental') sounds, wind-produced sounds (such as singing), and small sounds that require amplification, such as crickets chirping. Coordinate points drawn from the transparencies determine the class of each tape sound, inches of tape used, its volume, timbre, mixing, and other elements. Cage once described the score of Fontana Mix as 'a camera from which anyone can take a photograph'" (Uncle Dave Lewis, "
Review" at Answers.com).
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