"What [leader Jimmy] LaValle got was the first Album Leaf album to be realized by a full band. To date, LaValle has typically crafted his moody, aggressively ambient dream pop on his own with minimal studio assistance. When writer’s block halted his progress, he brought in his longtime touring crew — Matt Resovich, Drew Andrews, Tim Reece and LaValle’s former Tristeza bandmate Luis Hermosillo — and jump-started the sessions. LaValle titled the album in tribute to the band’s collaborative nature in the studio. A number of external events [a]ffected
Storytellers, not the least of which was LaValle’s wedding, which afforded him some rare and much needed downtime. … While
Storytellers is still awash in LaValle’s dark and emotive sonic textures, there is an undercurrent of joy that bubbles up throughout the album, perhaps a combination of the exhilaration of working in the studio with a band and his new wedded bliss" (Brian Baker, "
A New Leaf,"
New Haven Advocate, 8/5/10, p. 36).
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